Universal Liberty

The freedom, a word that evokes dreams of dignity, self-determination, and justice for so many people around the world. In this discussion, we will explore the various aspects of freedom, not only in terms of definitions but also in terms of actions and injustices. We cannot talk about freedom without addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a conflict that has torn lives, families, and generations apart. We will delve into the origins of the conflict, its terrible consequences for the Palestinians, and how it resonates with the pain of colonialism. But that's not all; we will also reflect on what true universal freedom really means and how we can contribute to a fairer world. 

The definition from the United Nations is a poignant reminder of the essence of freedom, a fundamental human right, including freedom of thought, expression, religion, and much more. It's an assertion that freedom is the oxygen of human dignity. 

The Larousse dictionary reminds us that freedom is the ability to do what one wishes, to think without constraints, to speak without fear. It's a value that so many people strive to achieve but is often confiscated by oppressive forces. 

Even in Spanish, "libertad" evokes the same idea, that of an absence of constraints and the possibility to live by one's own values. 

The creation of the Hebrew state complex, resulting in territory allocated to Jews in Palestine. This decision neglected the populations that had lived there for millennia, creating a conflict that echoes the horrors of colonialism. 

The consequences of the conflict are devastating for the Palestinians, enduring shortages of clean water, food, and fuel. They live in constant fear, under Israeli occupation, and face apartheid that violates their most fundamental rights. 

The conflict is a reflection of the pain of colonialism as it imposes an unwanted presence on a people, oppressing their freedom and dignity.


The foundations of universal freedom: 

1. Freedom of thought is essential because it allows each individual to have their own opinions, to question norms, and contribute to a diverse and evolving society. 

2. The freedom of self-determination concerns the right of peoples to decide their own destiny, which is essential to ensure that communities can shape their own future. 

3. Freedom from fear is fundamental because living in fear limits our ability to express our ideas and act freely. 

4. Freedom of movement allows individuals to travel, explore, and exchange ideas, promoting mutual understanding between cultures. 

5. Freedom from indoctrination and propaganda is important to ensure that individuals are not subjected to ideological ideas or manipulation (both from the left and the right). 

Finally, the freedom to fulfill one's desires in life is a crucial aspect of individual freedom, allowing each person to pursue their aspirations and dreams.

Canada and the First Nations: 

Canada itself has its own burden to bear. The exploitation of Indigenous peoples is a dark stain on our history. The First Nations have endured decades of marginalization, loss of land, culture, and rights. It's a reminder that freedom has not always been extended equally. 

And yet, today, our own Canadian government seems to infringe upon freedom of expression. Extreme remarks and the suppression of divergent opinions from our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, are alarming. Attacking our country's Charter of Rights and Freedoms is unacceptable because we should protect the diversity of opinions, even if they disagree with ours. Intolerance towards differing opinions must be combated, and human rights must be protected. 

Faced with these challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation. The suffering of the Palestinian people, the mistakes of the past in Canada, and attacks on freedom of expression are scars that remind us of our responsibility to justice and freedom.  

The Palestinian people, despite their fears and losses, demonstrate incredible courage and determination in their quest for freedom. The question that arises is: can we help them? The answer should be a heartfelt cry for justice and freedom. We must act to support those who are fighting for their freedom and defend human rights. 

It is time to take a stand, recognize our own mistakes, and work together for a world where freedom is an inalienable right for all. The pain of the past should not dictate our future. On the contrary, our future should be forged by the common pursuit of freedom, dignity, and justice.  

In the end, freedom is a universal ideal to which we must aspire. This means fighting against oppression, promoting diversity of opinions and experiences, and ensuring that every human being can live their life in true freedom. What do you think?

"Freedom is much more terrifying than any prison." - Julia Cameron from The Artist’s way, A spiritual path to higher creativity


La Liberté Universelle